Monday, September 30, 2019

Are Shakespeare’s Sonnets Autobiographical? Essay

Are the Sonnets, wholly or in part, autobiographical, or are they merely â€Å"poetical exercises† dealing with imaginary persons and experiences? This is the question to which all others relating to the poems are secondary and subordinate. For myself, I firmly believe that the great majority of the Sonnets, to quote what Wordsworth says of them, â€Å"express Shakespeare’s own feelings in his own person;† or, as he says in his sonnet on the sonnet, â€Å"with this same key Shakespeare unlocked his heart.† Browning, quoting this, asks: â€Å"Did Shakespeare? If so, the less Shakespeare he!† to which Swinburne replies, â€Å"No whit the less like Shakespeare, but undoubtedly the less like Browning.† The theory that the Sonnets are mere exercises of fancy, â€Å"the free outcome of a poetic imagination,† as Delius phrases it, is easy and specious at first, but lands us at last among worse perplexities than it evades. That Shakespeare, for example, should write seventeen sonnets urging a young man to marry and perpetuate his family is strange enough, but that he should select such a theme as the fictitious basis for seventeen sonnets is stranger yet; and the same may be said of the story or stories apparently underlying other of the poems. Some critics, indeed, who take them to be thus artificially inspired, have been compelled to regard them as â€Å"satirical† intended to ridicule the sonneteers of the time, especially Drayton and Sir John Davies of Hereford. Others, like Professor Minto, who believe the first 126 to be personal, regard the rest as â€Å"exercises of skill, undertaken in a spirit of wanton defiance and derision of commonplace.† The poems, to quote Dowden, â€Å"are in the taste of the time; less extravagant and less full of conceits than many other Elizabethan collections, more distinguished by exquisite imagination and all that betokens genuine feeling. . . . All that is quaint or contorted or ‘conceited’ in them can be paralleled from passages of early plays of Shakespeare, such as Romeo and Juliet, and the Two Gentlemen of Verona, where assuredly no satirical intention is discoverable.† If the Sonnets were mostly written before 1598 when Meres refers to them, or 1599 when Jaggard printed two of them, or in 1593 and 1594, as Sidney Lee assumes, and if most of them, as the same critic believes, were â€Å"little more than professional trials of skill, often of superlative merit, to which the poet deemed himself challenged by the efforts of contemporary practitioners,† it is passing strange that Shakespeare should not have published them ten or fifteen years before they were brought out by the pirate Thorpe. He must have written them for publication if that was their character, and the extraordinary popularity of his earlier poems would have assured them a favourable reception with the public. His fellow-townsman and friend, Richard Field, who had published the Venus and Adonis in 1593 and the Lucrece in 1594, and who must have known of the circulation of the sonnets in manuscript, would have urged him to publish them; or, if the author had declined to have them printed, some pirate, like Jaggard or Thorpe, would have done it long before 1609. Mr. Lee tells us that Sidney, Watson, Daniel, and Constable circulated their sonnets for a time in manuscript, but he tells us also that the pirates generally got hold of them and published them within a few years if the authors did not do it. But the history of The Passionate Pilgrim shows that it was not so easy to obtain copies of Shakespeare’s sonnets for publication. It was the success of Venus and Adonis and Lucrece (the fourth edition of the former being issued in 1599, and the second of the latter in 1598) which prompted Jaggard to compile The Passionate Pilgrim in 1599; and it is a significant fact that he was able to rake together only ten poems which can possibly be Shakespeare’s, and three of these were from Love’s Labour’s Lost, which had been published in 1598. To these ten pieces he added ten others (eleven, as ordinarily printed) which he impudently called Shakespeare’s, though we know that most of them were stolen and can trace some of them to the authors. His book bears evidence in its very make-up that he was hard pushed to fill the pages and give the purchaser a tolerable sixpence-worth. The matter is printed on but one side of the leaf, and is further spun out by putting a head-piece and tail-piece on every page, so that a dozen lines of text sandwiched between these convenient pictorial devices make as fair a show as double the quantity would ordinarily present. Note, however, that, with all his pickings and stealings, Jaggard managed to secure but two of the sonnets, though a considerable number of them were probably in existence among the author’s â€Å"private friends,† as Meres expressed it a year before. The pirate Newman, in 1591, was able to print one hundred and eight sonnets by Sidney which had been circulated in manuscript, and to add to them twenty-eight by Daniel without the author’s knowledge ; and sonnets by Watson and Constable, as Mr. Lee tells us, were similarly circulated and pirated. How, then, are we to explain the fact that Jaggard could obtain only two of Shakespeare’s sonnets, five years or more after they had been circulating among his friends ? Is it not evident that the poems must have been carefully guarded by these friends on account of their personal and private character? A dozen more of those sonnets would have filled out Jaggard’s â€Å"larcenous bundle of verse,† and have obviated the necessity of pilfering from Barnfield, Griffin, Marlowe, and the rest; but at the time they were in such close confidential keeping that he could get no copies of them. In the course of years they were shown to a larger and larger number of â€Å"private friends,† and with the multiplication of copies the chances of their getting outside of that confidential circle were proportionally increased. We need not be surprised, then, that a decade later somebody had succeeded in obtaining copies of them all, and sold the collection to Thorpe. Even if we suppose that the Sonnets had been impersonal, and that Shakespeare for some reason that we cannot guess had wished to withhold them from the press, we may be sure that he could not have done it in that day of imperfect copyright restrictions. Nothing could have kept a hundred and fifty poems by so popular an author out of print if there had not been strong personal reasons for maintaining their privacy. At least seven editions of the Venus and Adonis and four of the Lucrece appeared before Thorpe was able to secure â€Å"copy† for his edition of the Sonnets. If, as Mr. Lee asserts, Southampton was the patron to whom twenty that may be called â€Å"dedicatory† sonnets (23, 26, 32, 37, 38, 69, 77-86, 100, 101, 103, and 106) are addressed, it is all the more remarkable that Shakespeare should not have published them, or, if he hesitated to do it, that his noble patron should not have urged it. He had already dedicated both the Venus and Adonis and the Lucrece to Southampton; and Mr. Lee says that â€Å"three of the twenty dedicatory sonnets [26, 32, 38] merely translate into the language of poetry the expressions of devotion which had already done duty in the dedicatory epistle in verse that precedes Lucrece.† Other sonnet-sequences of the time (including the four mentioned by Mr. Lee as pirated while circulated in manuscript, except Sidney’s, which were not thus published until after his death) were brought out by their authors, with dedications to noble lords or ladies. Shakespeare’s Sonnets, so far as I am awa re, are the only exception to the rule. Mr. Lee himself admits that â€Å"at a first glance a far larger proportion of Shakespeare’s sonnets give the reader the illusion of personal confessions than those of any contemporary;† and elsewhere he recognizes in them more â€Å"intensity† than appears in the earlier poems except in â€Å"occasional utterances† of Lucrece; but, for all that, he would have us believe that they are not personal, and that their â€Å"superior and more evenly sustained energy is to be attributed, not to the accession of power that comes with increase of years, but to the innate principles of the poetic form, and to metrical exigencies which impelled the sonneteer to aim at a uniform condensation of thought and language.† I cannot help agreeing with those who regard their personal character as no â€Å"illusion,† and who believe that they clearly show the increase of power which comes with years, their true date probably being 1597-98 rather than 1593-94. For myself, I could as soon believe the penitential psalms of David to be purely rhetorical and fictitious as the 129th Sonnet, than which no more remorseful utterance was ever wrung from a soul that had tasted the ashes to which the Sodom-apples of illicit love are turned in the end. Have we there nothing but the â€Å"admirable fooling† of the actor masquerading in the garb of the penitent, or the satirist mimicking the conceits and affectations of the sonneteers of the time? If this is supposed to be the counterfeit of feeling, I can only exclaim with Leonato in Much Ado, â€Å"O God! Counterfeit! There was never counterfeit of passion came so near the life of passion!†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Academic Achievements Essay

THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND In every student’s life, academic excellence as well as co-curricular involvement is very essential. The two aspects would help them attain their goal of being part of the honor roll. Balancing these two is one of the problems honor students of today are facing. This process is intended to know how important co-curricular involvement is and what its effects to the students’ academic achievements are. Since 1985, Colegio San Agustin (CSA)- Bià ±an has been providing its students quality Catholic education that enriches their knowledge academically. Besides, CSA- Bià ±an has been offering several co- curricular programs like authorized student clubs or organizations wherein each student is required to join, inside and outside school competitions, sports activities and many more. Prospective honor students, as active as they want to be, participate and take part in both academic and co- curricular programs. CSA- Bià ±an Junior High School Department follows DepEd Order No. 92, s. 2009 for the selection of honor students. The policy states that the 7-3 point scheme (7 points for academic performance and 3 points for co- curricular activities) shall be used in determining the final honors among non- graduating and graduating students. In Academic Year 2013-2014, there were 30 students from grade seven to third year high school who grabbed a spot in the honor roll. Their final ranks were computed based on 70% academics and 30% co- curricular. They, most probably, are equally excellent in both aspects. Co-curricular refers to activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement, in some way, what students are learning in school. Co-curricular activities are usually a way to separate students from their academics. These activities have influence on students’ academic performance but on the other hand, it is questionable whether these activities effect positively or negatively (Millard, 1930). Different school administrations are interested to find out if there is association between academic performance and the involvement in co- curricular activities. (Stephens & Schaben, 2002). This is where the focal point of the study takes place: the effects of co- curricular involvement on the academic achievements of the grade seven to third year over- all top ten students. In view of the fact that the researchers are potential honor students, they see the necessity to make an investigation  about this matter for they are sure that the outcome of this study would be beneficial not only to aspiring honor students like them but also to the administrators of the locale under analysis. Setting of the Study The study will be conducted at Colegio San Agustin-Bià ±an, which is situated at Southwoods Interchange, Juana Complex I, Bià ±an City, Laguna. It is a private school run by the Order of St. Augustine. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework This study was anchored on the following different evaluation and assessment concepts. According to the Pickle Jar theory, when you take an empty pickle jar and fill it with rocks, it appears to be full – until you fill it with gravel. The smaller granules fill the cracks between the rocks, and you can still fit in some sand, and then water. Another theory named the Distraction-Conflict theory (1978), refers to an analysis of performance gains in groups assuming that when others are present, attention is divided between the other things and the task; this attentional conflict increases motivation and so it facilitates performance on simple, well-learned tasks. These theories are relevant to the research because like the Pickle Jar Theory, the rocks represent the academic achievements while the smaller granules like pebbles and sand depict the co-curricular involvements. On the other hand, the Distraction-Conflict Theory attests that when both academics and co- curricular activities are present, a student’s attention may be divided and therefore cannot focus on his priority which is his academic performance. SS Figure 1 The Relationship between the Profile and the Effects of Co- Curricular Involvement to Academic Achievements as Perceived by Grade Seven to Fourth Year Over- all Top Ten Students of CSA- Bià ±an in AY 2013- 2014 After consolidating the ideas and thought of the theories and studying the  concepts presented, the researchers came up with Figure 1 to show that the profile; gender, final general average, over-all rank, and frequency of co-curricular involvements (independent variable) has something to do or may alter the perceived effects of co-curricular involvements on academic achievements (dependent variable) of grade seven to third year over- all top ten students of Academic Year 2013-2014. Statement of the Problem This study sought to determine the perceived effects of the co-curricular involvements to the academic achievements of grade seven to third year over-all top ten students of Colegio San Agustin- Bià ±an in academic year 2013-2014. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the profile of grade seven to third year over-all top ten students in terms of: a) Gender b) Final General Average c) Over-all Rank d) Frequency of Co-curricular Involvements 2. What are the perceived effects of co-curricular involvement to academic achievements? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the students’ profile and the perceived effects of co-curricular involvement on academic achievements? Statement of Hypothesis The researchers hypothesized that: There is no significant relationship between the students’ profiles and the perceived effects of co-curricular involvement to academic achievements of grade seven to third year over-all top ten students of Colegio San Agustin- Bià ±an. Statement of Assumptions The researchers assume that: 1. Co- curricular involvement has either positive or negative effects on the students’ academic achievements. 2. Over- all top ten students are concerned on the effects of co- curricular to academic achievements. 3. CSA- Bià ±an offered both co- curricular and academic programs in AY 2013- 2014. 4.  Colegio San Agustin- Bià ±an Junior High School Department gives importance to both academic and co- curricular excellence. 5. The effect of co- curricular involvement on academic achievements has certain advantages and disadvantages. Significance of the Study Since this study will be conducted to discover the relationship between the co-curricular involvements and the academic achievements of the grade seven to third year over-all top ten students of Colegio San Agustin-Bià ±an in the Academic Year 2013-2014, the researchers found the following grounds of the study very significant: 1. The information which will be gathered in this study may serve as a guide to the teachers in assessing their students’ strengths and weaknesses, both in the academic and co-curricular fields; thereby, will result to better teaching methods and efficient parent-teacher conferences; 2. The results of the study will provide the Guidance and Testing Center with the knowledge of how their students balance their academics and activeness in co-curricular participation which would lead to adequate seminars regarding this matter; and, 3. Finally, the findings of this study will provide the students with the information on how to manage co-curricular activeness and academics while achieving a high general average; 4. The findings of the study will address the parents’ inquiry regarding their child’s academic standing in the classroom aiming to provide the information on the composition of their child’s general average and the process of evaluating the child; 5. The study will serve as a guide for the administrators in providing better service to their by means of efficient teaching strategies and increasing the students’ participation in co-curricular activities through offering a wide selection of activities that correspond to various talents and interests of the students. Scope and Delimitation The study focuses on the perceived effects of co- curricular involvement to academic achievements of grade seven to third year over- all top ten students of Colegio San Agustin- Bià ±an in Academic Year 2013- 2014. The study’s focal point is the effects of co-curricular involvement to the academic achievements of students. The study was limited to the grade seven to third year over-all top ten students for they are the ones who are  concerned on how co- curricular affects their academic achievements. Also, they are more likely to experience problems concerning the subject matter. The study doesn’t include the fourth year high school students of AY 2013-2014 because it would be inconvenient for the researchers to communicate with them since they now study in several different universities. This study yearns to determine the effects of co- curricular involvement on the academic achievements of students. Definition of Terms The following terms were used within the context of the study. They are defined conceptually and operationally for easier comprehension. Academic Achievements. The students’ excellent performance which is measured by academic disciplines like examinations, quizzes, class participation, projects, assignments and etcetera. This is mirrored by the students’ final general average. Co Curricular Involvement. The students’ participation in activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement, in some way, what they are learning inside the classroom. They are usually a way to separate students from their academics. Over-all Top Ten. Ten students who, among all their batch mates, show the most remarkable excellence in both academic and co- curricular performance. Department of Education. Abbreviated as DepEd (Kagawaran ng Edukasyon) and is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and improvin g the quality of basic education. Final General Average. Final assessment of the student’s grade which consists of both co-curricular and academic performances. Guidance and Testing Center. The sector of Colegio San Agustin- Bià ±an that is responsible in helping the students with their personal emotional and psychological problems. They are also ought to create programs that would maintain the students well- being emotionally and psychologically. Over- all Rank. Rank of the student over the whole number of their batch according to his academic and co-curricular performance. Academic achievements Essay Experience is the best teacher, as the saying goes. There is no better way to learn and be equipped with life skills and unfathomable wisdom than from our experiences. These experiences maybe bad, like an accident from drunk driving, or good, like winning the spelling bee competition. Either way, the consequences to these actions will always be valuable and it will serve a purpose in our lives. Academic achievements, as shown by those glistening medals that hung in our dressers, the framed certificates that hung on our walls, the trophies that are placed in the living areas of our houses, and the recognition given to us by our school, family, and friends, are always on top of our list in accomplishing. Although they play a very big part in the molding of a child to be motivated to study and graduate with honors, it may not always be a priority for others. Nowadays, the four corners of the classroom are not enough to give a student the learning that he needs in order to be fully prepared to go to college. Colleges do just not want their student applicants to be academic achievers, but well rounded too. Extra-curricular activities, like athletic achievements, musical involvements, writing for the school newspaper, joining various school clubs, the student council, summer camps, leadership trainings, among many others are just a few of the many activities that a student can get involved in to harbor more life experiences and to know where he excels at the most. Activities like those mentioned above do not only hone a student in one direction, but it improves the student’s social skills, especially in dealing with other people as these organizations exist because of its members, in thinking outside the box and letting their creative juices flow, in having passion for something that they believe in and in wanting to make a difference. These things are as important as being scholarly, because in college, you are not only being tested academically; you are being prepared for your encounter with real life in your chosen path – the life after college.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Romanesque Architecture and Renaissance Architecture Compared Essay

Romanesque Architecture and Renaissance Architecture Compared - Essay Example This paper evaluates historic movements such as Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Islamic and mannerism, and seeks further to compare and contrast some architectural designs and artworks of these movements. Answer to Question one Romanesque architecture The term Romanesque architecture describes the building style adopted between 800AD to 1100 AD. One of the finest Romanesque architecture buildings in England is the Durham Cathedral and is often regarded as the leading Romanesque building in the world (Kimball & Edgell 251). The composite piers, of the cathedral, are alternated with drum columns, flying buttresses or lateral abutments all concealed within the triforium over the isles. These characteristics were highly inspired by the religious fervor of the Romanesque architecture period. Therefore, the design shows the Christian values which were highly valued by the people of the time. Gothic architecture Gothic architecture is an architectural style that was most common during the early and late medieval period from 12th century through 16th century. An example of a Gothic architecture is the Cologne cathedral, which dates back in the early 19th century (Kimball & Edgell 260). The geometrical and mathematical nature of the construction is indicative of the orderly universe, which is laid logically and with rationality. The statue, the sculptural decoration, stained glass and murals incorporate the creative genius as portrayed by the old and new testaments. The building and its style emphasize the religious nature of the people and the way they valued God’s power and creative works of logic. Renaissance architecture Renaissance architecture started in the fifteenth century through the early seventeenth century and replaced Gothic architecture. An example of renaissance architecture is the Palladio's Basilica in Vicenza, Italy (Kimball & Edgell 258). The church has orderly arrangement of columns, pilasters and lintels. There is the use of hemispherical d omes, which are all characteristics of the renaissance architecture (Kimball & Edgell 252). All these details were used to emphasize solid and spatial relationship where the idea of harmony leads to free and imaginative rhythms. The details of the style especially in the church building were more civic than spiritual. This feeling, therefore, emphasizes the blending of religious and secular values of the people of the time. Answer to Question two Islamic architecture incorporates both secular and religious styles from the time when Islam was founded to date and is extensively used in the shrines of Mecca and Medina (Bloom & Blair 152). Comparing the Fatimid’s architecture used in Bab al-Futuh gate and the Gothic architecture at the entrance of Carmo Church in Lisbon, Portugal, there are notable differences. Bab al-Futuh gate has a hemispherical dome while the main entrance of Carmo church has a pointed arch. In content, the Gothic architecture is created to give less democrac y in the religious sense, while the mosque architecture emphasizes freedom and secularism (Bloom & Blair 159). Therefore, the sense of holiness elicited by the two gates varies from the outside details depending on the gate architectural style. The form and content of the two are seen in the materials used, the color designs, murals employed and the emphasized details with regards to logical arrangements, balance and creativity. Answer to Question three These two works of art represent the two periods; the early Northern Renaissance and the early Italian Renaissance respectively. These two artworks are different in form. The first element that differentiates their form is the painting details, which are emphasized by

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Dynamics of Design High Street and High Design Essay

The Dynamics of Design High Street and High Design - Essay Example The modern theory sticks to the similar assumption that jeans are a comfort statement, yet it also stresses on the fact that it is a necessity. Here, the modern theory takes off on a more interpretative note. While a pair of jeans are a necessity, the tone for luxury has been set by celebrities lending their names to a line of jeans and other designer jeans that 'fit and look better' than the normal brands. For example, while most people would opt for a pair of Lee or Levis', design high street fashion is achieved with Zara and Marks and Spencers', and high design is achieved by a couture label like Armani or that of Victoria Beckham's. On the other hand, within the modern theory comes the second twist. Here, design high street meets high design to a great extent when a celebrity endorses a certain brand. This can be better understood through the following lines: When something has been perceived, then it has been noted and the message is recorded. In the words of psychologist, W. H. Ittelson and F. T. Kilpatrick, perception can't be definite, of 'what is'. Rather what we perceive is created by ourselves, which is mostly based on past experiences (Arnorld,1992). Also people's perceptions of brand are governed by some factors which are personal and public. It is one of important challenges for an advertiser trying to reach the customers, either by any form of mass communication like newspaper, or television ad so that they could notice it. Even sometimes the consumer miss out some messages directed to them. So the main thing is to give them exposure. (Arnold, 1992, p. 241). For example if all the ads are in colors then a black and white will be noticed. So by this the customers attention can be taken. Awareness: Awareness implies that the message has made an impression on the audience or reader, who can then identify the pair of jeans. Although awareness is a low form of impact, but it is objective of a great ad. Relative low level of attention can create minimum awareness for low interest product (Sudijic,1985). . Brand equity: This is a very important concept from 1990s. This refers to the use of respected brand name to add value to the jeans. Branding is a way to help the customer's memory

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ousmane Sembene's cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Ousmane Sembene's cinema - Essay Example In films such as Ceddo and Xala he pointed an irate, often ironic finger at the failures and extremes of contemporary African governments. (Scott, 2007) ''''''Sembene believed that most of the African post-colonial states had failed to meet the expectations that their populace initially related with autonomy from colonial rule. For many African people the official end of colonial rule did not generate an end to social injustice and radical economic imbalance. Sembene's work was dominated by a desire to spell out what he thought was going wrong with his society. He made a critical examination of post-colonial African society neither beautifying nor discrediting them, but simply depicting a reality in which the intercession of the critic comes as an effort to objectively consider problems that are of critical import to contemporary African nations. In a dialogue with Francoise Pfaff (1984), Sembene said that "I have never tried to please my audience through the embellishment of reality . I am a participant and an observer of my society" ''''''Cinema has been divided into three groups commonly known as first, second and third cinema. This terminology was established at the Bandung Conference of 1955(the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement). China promulgated the premise of the three distinctive economic worlds. The first world inclusive of the superior capitalist countries like Western Europe, North America and Australasia; the second world comprising of the prior socialist countries of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The left over countries were accordingly the third world, to which China confirmed its commitment. (Chanan, 1997)' ''''''First Cinema refers the form recognized as the Hollywood movie, where cinema is pure entertainment. The primary aim of first cinema is to maximize profits. All types of films appear under this classification; feature, short and educational films, even scientific documentary is inclined to the aspirations capitalism. Second Cinema is also known as parallel cinema. Parallel cinema has its own structure, pattern of distribution and exhibition, and its own ideology. Nowadays parallel cinema is made by and for limited social groups. It articulates the desires and ideology of the middle layers or the petty bourgeoisie and as a result is often radical but pessimist and at times mystical. Similar to first cinema all types of films may be found in this group. Third cinema ''''''There is a deliberate imprecision in the term 'Third Cinema' which requires clarification. The term 'Third Cinema' is derived from the correlation with the term 'third world'. The third world consists of the underdeveloped nations of Asia, Africa and South America. In the developing countries, third cinema is concerned with the problems of de-colonisation, propagates national liberation. Third cinema tries to debunk old myths, eradicate racism and dissolve economic hierarchies. ''''''Originally typical third cinema included radical political views that were usually hostile to the regime and signification of the concerned images. Militant cinema in which the camera is often equated to the gun was also a form of third cinema. Militant cinema required the film crew to operate with a drastic and original notion not

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Changes To Be Considered Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changes To Be Considered - Essay Example I know you are a very busy person too but I am requesting if we can extend the meeting to 16th if it is okay with you. We are ready to hear your ideas and discussion regarding the above issues when we meet. I am confident that your knowledge and expertise are critical to this company, and all the co-workers, me included hope to benefit under your supervision. I am sure that you are aware that this company, Tech-Shield, has done well and is continuing to well. This is due to the hard work that we put as workers in the company. For example, I gave three presentations last quarter, all of them around the same time. The report discussed key aspects of financial corporate liability because the quarterly profits of the company had declined. We discussed a loss of $200,000 and how to improve our performance. The presentation was candid, and we suggested a form of conservation to curb expenses with Tech-Shield by installing auto-sensors for the lights, encouraging ride-sharing programs, and introducing a day care to help address the expectation of longer hours. I have some ideas to help solve the problems that I listed above. Scheduling is always a challenge, but perhaps meetings that coordinate travel expectations and additional hours might benefit all and eliminate miscommunications. We could have flexible weeks, instead of fifty hours a week; we could have employees’ alternate hours for each week. Some employees who had more time on a particular week could work more hours on that particular week and then work less on the following week. This can benefit everyone. We could add more employees. We could inform all of the employees about the daycare facilities and promote them. We already have these facilities, so there would be only a negligible affect on the budget. We could be more efficient by not training people to do new jobs. I hope you will understand and appreciate all of these ideas. You can implement all, or at least some of them, to good use. I am

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict - Essay Example Some used avoidance while others used competition in conflict resolution. Still others use an accommodation, compromising or collaborating conflict resolution styles. The latter was sociologically effective in eliciting a win-win resolution to situation. A non-assertive collaborator is a silent onlooker of the conflict situation and whose decision can be swayed and be taken advantaged with such helplessness. The person could be influenced to various demands and requests thoughtlessly. Roger (2008) pointed that non-assertive collaborator allow other people to decide for his fate, direction and outcome of living. Roger (2008) explicated that such personality can be depicted as emotionally dishonest, ambivalent, thrives in denial and hindered by inhibitions. In conflict situation, non-assertive collaborator could be easily offended, nervous, and sometimes confused with one’s decision. He could be critical too to the point of ambivalence. Non-assertive person’s gestures are illustrated with shyness or inability to establish eye contacts whenever communicating or there is obvious hesitancy to commit and assume responsibilities or obligations (Roger, 2008). The person is uncertain of his participation in this collaboration, although there is certain level of emotional satisfaction in his involvement in conflict situation management. Depending on the depth of the knowledge and skills of the collaborator, the non-assertive character could susceptibly be understood as a person who weighs issues without aggression and attempts to deal with situation in a calmer and patient management. However, as conflict management requires intellectual impartiality in dealing with conflict situation, decisions require that all accounts of the situations and issues are weighed well to achieve a certain level of justness in the decision-makings (Armstrong, 2004). While hoping to achieve better solution to

Monday, September 23, 2019

DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 24

DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE - Essay Example On the other hand, technology has brought negative effects. Technology is slowly eroding our moral values due to availability of explicit content to the unintended users. The business world has experienced drastic changes over the years. I agree with you that videoconferencing has greatly improved communication in business. It has made business transactions to be more effective and efficient. Perhaps the most important improvement is on cost effectiveness. While it takes a lot of time and hundreds of dollars to travel across the globe for business meetings, web conferencing has made business operations more cost effective. However, we also need to question about the challenges brought by these technologies in modern business. For instance, what were some of the challenges that you faced during your internet meetings? What if there was internet breakdown? What about interception of sensitive information communicated over the internet? (Carroll and Buchholtz 348) Both sides of the coin need to be

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal development Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Development - Personal Statement Example With a good GPA scored during the Bachelor’s course and work experience gained as the marketing advisor, I managed to enroll myself at University of New Brunswick. My tenure at this University has been one of tremendous learning, and this has contributed towards personal development along with high prospects in the professional career. I came to the university with an open mind with no assumptions and no expectations. I would first like to present what I learned through the academic courses and then move on to the other teachings that an MBA course offers. The environment itself has much to teach, and learning during the MBA stretches far beyond the academic module. However, one has to be open to learning, observing, perceiving and absorbing. Benefits through academic learning The academic course was divided into three modules and the first module comprised of accounting, marketing, statistics and research, and effective communication. I dreaded accounting as I had not fared w ell during the pre-MBA phase. However, to overcome the fear and to understand the accounting concept, I took up the two-week quant camp which definitely did a lot to develop interest in accounting. After that there was no looking back, and I pursued the subject seriously, making sure I solved problems after each class. This one of my biggest achievements in this course – I understood and overcame the fear of accounting. I am glad I did so because the basics of accounting are essential to run your own business. Marketing had been my domain and interest before I started this course. This course was very interesting and at the same time it helped me develop professional skills on how to actually market products or services. The course stretched into marketing for profit- and non-profit organizations. What I specifically enjoyed was the analytics that provide insight into marketing efforts and help the marketers further amend their strategy. Statistics and research, while essenti al for business, was a little difficult for me. I guess it is enough to understand its value and the basics, so that we can extract information when necessary. Not everyone can be an expert in every field, so I decided not to spend too much energy in a subject which I would not be keen to pursue later as a career. However, I did learn to use excel, which is very important in analytics. Analytics help in marketing decisions and statistics help to decide on the target audience. As a marketer, communication has always been my strength but this course taught me the finer techniques in communication. Business communication becomes essential for every professional, both in oral and written format. Communication is also essential in dealing with colleagues and subordinates. Thus, even though many may consider this as a natural or innate talent, I feel the course does provide a guideline on communication at different levels. The second module was even more interesting as it taught us how to apply the theories and technical knowledge in business. Management skills development is an essential trait because one needs to develop the competencies to manage and lead an organization. This course also taught us the difference between a manager and a leader. I never knew the difference between the two, before the course. The different leadership traits and qualifications essential in different circumstances was an interesting learning. Another major learning for me

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Environmental Science Essay Example for Free

Environmental Science Essay Gagandeep Rai Period 3/4 Criteria air pollutants assignment​ Multiple Choice 1. A pungent reddish ­brown gas often associated with photochemical smog. (C) NO2 2. A corrosive gas from burning coal often associated with industrial smog. (d) SO2 3. A dangerous indoor air pollutant. (A) CO 4. Emitted from diesel and burning fuel. (E) PM10 5. All of the following are examples of primary air pollutants except. (c) tropospheric ozone 6. The greatest emission of sulfur dioxide comes from (C) Industrial processes 7. The least amount of nitrogen oxide emissions comes from (A) on ­ road vehicles 8. The accumulation of tropospheric ozone at night depends mainly upon the atmospheric concentrations of (B) volatile organics 1. What are they? The six criteria air pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides,lead,particulate matter and tropospheric ozone. These six pollutants significantly threaten human health, ecosystems and/or structures. 2. How is each produced? Sulfur dioxide is mostly produced from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil. It can also be released during volcanic eruptions. Nitrogen oxides are produced from vehicles as well as stationary fossil fuel combustion. Some is also released through lightning and forest fires.Carbon monoxide is formed by incomplete combustion of most matter. Vehicle exhaust and many other combustion process produce Carbon monoxide. It is also a indoor pollutant when exhaust systems on natural gas heaters misfunction. Carbon dioxide is produced from complete combustion of most matter such as biomass and fossil fuels . Particulate matter is released when fossil fuels and bio fuel is burned. Also it is released with activities that involve movement of dust or sand. Lead is released from old paint, gasoline additive and combustion of fossil fuels.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Report On Ecommerce In Tesco Plc Marketing Essay

The Report On Ecommerce In Tesco Plc Marketing Essay The present business environment is characterized by rising cut throat competition amongst competitors, ever increasing consumer demands, technological advancements, regulatory changes etc (Hill Jones, 2007). In such a situation, it becomes critically important for an organization to look for tools and modes of businesses which help them sustain their position and protect their competitive edge while reducing the costs of operations and enhancing profitability. Ecommerce is one such tool which helps organizations to undergo such. Ecommerce has brought revolutions in the mode of operations of organizations, and this has attributed 21st century in being known for its electronic economy (Coundouris, 2012). For the purpose of this assignment, Tesco has been chosen whose present ecommerce activities, and its implication will be looked into. Task 1 About Tesco Plc Tesco Plc is one of the largest global retailers of general merchandise and grocery. The British company, has the present rank of being the 3rd biggest global retailer as per the revenues generated (Reuters, 2011). It has presence, in more than 14 countries and is the market leader in groceries in its home country, United Kingdom, Thailand, Malaysia and Republic of Ireland (Finch, 2010). Tesco plc has present employee strength of more than 5, 00,000 in its global operations dedicated to providing the best choice, value as high quality service to the millions of customers base (Tesco Plc, 2013). 1.1. Business Functions of Tesco Tesco is a leading global retailer having its headquarters in United Kingdom. In order for it to maintain its business efficiency and productivity, it needs its main business functions to operate in an effective fashion. The main business functions of Tesco are Finance, Procurement Purchase, Human Resources, Sales Marketing, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management, business services consultancy etc. Along with this, another critical function of Tesco is the research and development function. 1.2. Tescos aim its relation to stakeholders Tescos main business aim is based on seven strategic pillars (Tesco Plc, 2013). These are as follows; Growth in the United Kingdom markets Being an outstanding retailer both online and real world Achieve a stronghold in the food items Experience a vast growth of the entire range of retail services in their different markets Putting responsibilities in the communities which are served by them and undertaking initiatives for the welfare and overall benefits Creator of a large number of high value brands Aiming to build a manpower team which shall help in creating more value for the organization and its services. Tesco places immense importance on maintaining and improving the stakeholder relations. They value their stakeholders and undertake initiatives to help and strengthen their relationships with them. The following are the lead stakeholders of Tesco Plc; Customers: Tesco places significance on the feedback provided by the customers in developing new products and services to help them serve more efficiently. The program of customer question times is critical, as through this the staff can take the ideas and opinions of the customers. Employees: Tesco is a pro-employee company, and believes that the only way it can sustain its competitive edge over others is by valuing their employees. Tesco management encourages feedback from the staff employees through different programs namely, the Staff Question Time, Viewpoint Staff Surveys, Processes of Staff Forum etc. Suppliers: Supplier relationships are an aspect which is critical for the success of Tesco, and the latter takes an active role in developing the suppliers for meeting their quality criteria and standardizations. Investors/Shareholders: Tesco has in place an efficient Investor Relations team which, maintains the investor relations. Society at large: The society in which Tesco operates is also impacted by the organizations operations, thereby serving as a key stakeholder of the retailer. Non Governmental Organizations: Tesco on a consistent basis meets with the different nongovernmental organizations in order to understand as well as respond to the different areas of concerns. Task 2 Impact of e-commerce 2.1. Impact of E-commerce on Tesco As per market experts, ecommerce is a tool which has revolutionized the relationship of the business and the consumer. As per the opinion of Terry Leary in 2001, the then Chief Executive of Tesco, the company has been able to develop the most efficient and best online system of grocery system in the globe. Tesco has been one of the first organizations to have understood the power of internet and incorporated such in their regular business functions since 1994. It established its online grocery shopping website for the first time in 1996. Finally, in 2000, the online website of Tesco was formally launched. Tesco in the present date has indeed emerged as the largest e-grocer globally (Tesco Plc, 2013). Tesco has played a critical role in changing the habits of purchase of the consumers. No longer, does the consumer feel the need to physically be present at the supermarkets and grocery stores in order to purchase their daily requirements. Presently Tescos website has wide product offeri ngs in categories of fresh food and groceries, clothing items, food, wines, gadgets etc. Tesco, as per recent announcements intend to invest more on the ecommerce aspect in developing a full 3D immersive web store which will take e-shopping into the next level and can be possible due to the rising broadband speeds of the UK users and the popularity of smart TVs (Chapman, 2012). 2.1.1. Risks of ecommerce in Tesco Tescos ecommerce activities have been recently criticized by market experts, namely, Troy Hunt, a Most Valuable Professional of Microsoft. As per him, Tesco overlooks certain basic security measures namely, password storage and protection, unselective encryption, a mixed aspect of the browser warnings as well as content, insecurities originated through different HTTP cookies, mis- configuration of security which act as significant risks for the ecommerce activities of Tesco (Hunt, 2012). 2.2. Global Impact of Ecommerce on society Ecommerce has a thorough impact on the global economy and society. As ecommerce enables people to shop from the comfort of their homes or offices, and ensure access to a wide range of products irrespective of the geographical boundaries, it has gained more competitive momentum and consists of very low barriers of entrance. This has in fact motivated a large number of businesses to adapt ecommerce in their normal modes of operations. Ecommerce has been a part of the large process of social change, constituting the globalization of the economies, transformation towards information and knowledge, increased prominence of different forms of technology etc. Electronic commerce is helping in shaping the entire society as a whole and hence, societal factors have a direct influence on the growth of such phenomenon. There are two societal enabling factors which fuel the growth of ecommerce. These are digital economy and trust confidence (Gibbs, Kraemer, Dedrick, 2003). However, the impact of ecommerce on societies can be explained in the following points; Ecommerce has totally revolutionized the mode of purchasing by consumers. This has resulted in the massive savings of time, which these individuals can now contribute in generating more value. It has significantly helped in strengthening of the social infrastructure by bringing on improvements in health, education, human resource developments, and training and in the overall sense of the communities. The specific technologies which are associated with ecommerce namely, in the automated payment systems, smart cards, e-information etc, play a critical role in the nurturing, delivery and strengthening of these services. Ecommerce has impacted the overall society by bringing in differences in some generalized social effects. Firstly time is an example of such. Ecommerce helps in efficient time management and has brought about a wide change in the concepts of time. Shorter product life cycles, round the clock operations and delivery of products and services are concepts with evolved with the evolution of ecommerce (Lewis Cockrill, 2002). As per studies conducted it has been observed, with the spread of ecommerce, individuals and families using such intend to have a higher than the average household income etc. As ecommerce was initially established more in United States, their native language is more prevalent in the electronic commerce. English and specifically American English has been the predominant language of such internet technology. Ecommerce has achieved a more or less equal familiarity with both its female users and male users. Hence, gender division has become less of a specific issue. As per surveys conducted of different websites, it has been observed that though women are the primary users of websites on shopping, retail, men have been the dominant users of car sites, gadgets etc (Marsden, 2000). Task 3 Designing ecommerce solutions 3.1. Market potential of an ecommerce opportunity in Tesco Tesco presently has more than 6234 stores in over 13 countries of operations and enjoys vast global customer base. It was one of the very first retailers to have started the ecommerce interactive website, and what was once solely used by a small consumer base of 450 has now thrived to become a booming business of ecommerce. Tesco already has in placed a large number of ecommerce activities, which have vast market potential. However, the company is now working on innovative technologies to make the shopping experience of customers from home a more enriching and realistic experience. Tesco is intending to launch a 3 dimensional ecommerce experience to help their consumers derive more value from their online presence. They are focusing on creation of a 3D store, which are now possible due to the prevalence of high speed broadband and a strong web browser (Chapman, 2012). Users can enter such 3D stores through the interface of smart televisions, and can select their products of choice from virtual racks of products as are placed in the brick and mortar stores. This initiative of Tesco takes ecommerce to the next level, and hence such has immense market potential. However, a critical necessity for consumers in order to take active part in such 3-D e-shopping is that, they must have in place smart televisions. This though is prevalent in first world nations, is gradually being adopted by the developing countries. 3.2. Present ecommerce systems used by Tesco Tesco Plc uses a specific interactive model named as the Market Portal Model for all its ecommerce activities. This model helps in integrating the supplier as well as the buyer sides and further ads relevant features and functions which help both the stakeholder groups in conducting business in an efficient fashion. This specific model is also being used by leading retailers namely, Walmart and has high utility in inventory distribution as well as management. This specific model is a transactional model, where it enables the buyers to purchase goods from the Tesco website, the information of which reaches the suppliers as well as Tesco. Suppliers have access to restricted information about such purchase and undertake actions regarding delivery and distribution. Tesco has invested in a heavy fashion in undertaking ecommerce activities, presently offering a specific mobile application along with an overall website for the customers of United Kingdom, the service of which is spread across the 70 + stores situated across Britain. This enables the nationals to purchase from Tesco from their mobile phones, iPad, laptops to collect groceries and other items. Tesco has been intending to expand their online store and purchasing facilities of fresh groceries and food items to other nations where they have based their operations in. Namely, in 2010, the leading retailer had planned to expand in Prague, Poland by October 2012 with further expansion to leading emerging markets of China, India, and Malaysia in the future. It is till date is in tandem with its targets. Instead of building specific and separate platforms of ecommerce for different nations, the British retailer built a common overall template which could be successfully utilized in the different international websites (Cotterill, 2012). The in-house team of Tesco present in India and United Kingdom built such a platform which is designated to work across the borders. Building such a common platform has been associated with a large number of challenges which were managed efficiently by the in house team of professionals of Tesco. 3.3. Financial implications of ecommerce solutions in Tesco Tesco has been identified as the most popular online shopping website amongst the UK buyers as according to a number of surveys (Charlton, 2011). As per the statistics obtained from comScore, Tesco occupied 66% of the total online shopping market in 2006 itself. The retailer accounted for  £ 1 of every  £ 8 spent on the high streets of UK, has been named by a number of market research companies as being the biggest online grocery services (Best, 2006). As per recent surveys, UK consumers spent around 6.4 billion pounds during October, 2012 which was a record rise since the statistics of last year. Also, as per the survey conducted by IMRG and Capgemini, online spending would further increase greatly in the future with Tesco occupying the largest chunk of such (Deatsch, 2012). Alongside, mobile sales have also increased which is leveraged by the mobile app designed by Tesco. The financial implications of such are in higher profitability, and revenue generation for the leading reta iler. 3.4. Design an ecommerce solution With customers becoming more technologically savvy and having high expectations from online retailers Tesco needs to be updated about the future trends of ecommerce and need to adopt such in order to launch innovative offerings to the customers. Tesco has been undertaking heavy investments to focus on ecommerce solutions, the most recent of such being the one billion pound investment strategy of developing the online websites through the Marketplace, which will enable the consumers to purchase other third party products from the website of Tesco. Tesco can undertake options through which, consumers while purchasing items from Tesco, can also aim to sell them to prospective buyers through the website. This will help in generating more interactions between the retailer and the consumers and will popularize it further. Further, Tesco can incorporate click and collect options of online purchases, where consumers can purchase products online, and collect such on their own time from a large number of collection points spread across the nation. Tesco can incorporate these points and design new solutions of ecommerce which will help in enhancing the customer satisfaction further. 3.5. Suitability of an ecommerce application Consumers increasingly provide importance in fast delivery of the products purchased through ecommerce channels. However, this does not signify that they are willing to pay extra shipping costs for such fast deliveries. Rather, it has been observed that, the concept of purchasing goods online, and collecting such by themselves is gaining importance. This is known as the Click and Collect concept. Tesco has already launched click and collect system, and is aiming to establish a large number of collection centers around Britain (Hall, 2012). As the customer feedback to such a system has been immensely positive, hence it can be safely concluded that such an ecommerce application would be suitable in the future. Findings The following are the core findings of this report; Ecommerce is a specific industry where selling and buying of goods and services are conducted through different computer systems and internet. Ecommerce in present times, works on different technologies of mobile commerce, internet marketing, electronic funds transfer and data exchange etc. Tesco, the largest retailer in United Kingdom places immense importance on ecommerce and has the very first retailer to have successfully launched the online website amongst its counterparts. Ecommerce has successfully revolutionized the mode of conducting business and simultaneously has impacted the society in bringing positive change in education, health, communication, other social factors etc. Tesco utilizes the Market Portal Model of ecommerce in its operations and has in place a very effective online shopping website specifically for the UK customers. In 2010, Tesco had targeted to expand its online grocery shopping options in other regions namely, Prague and Poland by 2012 and further into other emerging nations of India and China in future Tesco has invested to build a uniform platform of ecommerce, which will be applicable to different nations instead of building separate country specific channel. Further, Tesco, is focusing on building a 3D market place, through which buyers can have a look at the virtual market place through internet and smart televisions from the comfort of their homes while making purchases. Recommendations In order for Tesco to be successful in their endeavors, the following recommendations should be followed by them; Tesco should give initiative in understanding the different multichannel aspects of ecommerce and in identifying and strengthening the various checkpoints of such multiple channels (Dougall, 2012) Next Tesco should place more importance on the power of the mobile commerce, and build dedicated strategies to manage such effectively The concept of click and collect must be explored and more collection points must be established Aspects of real time bidding should also be looked into Conclusion Ecommerce has gained widespread importance in todays business world and is expected to gain a higher momentum in the future. Tesco Plc, the organization chosen for this report has been placing immense importance on such ecommerce activities, and has in store relevant strategic objectives which will help in enhancing the performance and the profitability of the company. This report would be of significant help to students of business management as they would obtain a comprehensive picture of ecommerce and its implications on a leading organization of today. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã†â€™

Thursday, September 19, 2019

When Did Global Warming Become Climate Change? :: Climate Change vs Global Warming

"If we want to address global warming, along with the other environmental problems associated with our continued rush to burn our precious fossil fuels as quickly as possible, we must learn to use our resources more wisely, kick our addiction, and quickly start turning to sources of energy that have fewer negative impacts." -- David Suzuki Earlier this year one of my friends asked, â€Å"So which essay topic did you decide on?† To which I responded, â€Å"Global warming.† Then my friend responded, â€Å"That is impossible. Global warming was not even an option,† I was worried. I rushed back to my apartment and opened my course binder to find that I was actually writing about climate change and not global warming. Then I wondered, "When did global warming morph into climate change? Am I in school to learn about fashion? Are we all just following the latest trend? What does any of this have to do with science? According to Erik Conway of NASA, â€Å"Global warming refers to surface temperature increases, while climate change includes global warming and everything else that increasing greenhouse gas amounts will affect† (Conway). Recently the United States has experienced a drop in temperature. This past weekend I was walking with a friend. With nothing to talk about, the awkward silence was finally filled with a comment on the weather. He said, â€Å"It’s so incredibly cold! So much for global warming!!† What my friend, nor I at the beginning of the semester, did not understand was that â€Å"temperature change itself isn’t the most severe effect of changing climate. Changes to precipitation patterns and sea level are likely to have much greater human impact than the higher temperatures alone† (Conway). Thankfully the national media has begun to increasingly reference the more scientifically significant term: climate change.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

To Kill a Mocking Bird Critique :: essays research papers fc

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that has received great acclaim, largely due to setting, themes, and accuracy. The setting, themes, and accuracy of the novel seem to fall into place in a great order, which makes this novel receive great acclaim. To Kill a Mockingbird is set in a small town in â€Å"fictional† Maycomb County, Alabama 1933-35. â€Å"It was more of collection of short stories than a true novel†¦yet, there was also life† (Commire, 18). The Characters of To Kill a Mockingbird we also created from people in Lee’s life. For example, she used here father, Frances â€Å"Finch† Lee, as a model for Atticus Finch. â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird, Is a novel of strong contemporary national significance†¦Miss Lee considers the novel a love story† (Commire, 155). The novel could be considered a love story because it shows the love of a father toward his two children. Apparently, Lee chose the mockingbird to represent the â€Å"purity of heart, and selflessness of characters like Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley (Moss and Wilson, 395). To Kill a Mockingbird underscores many themes and represents a universal story from a regional perspective (Stabler). The overall argument involves the obvious plea for justice while mocking the civilization of Southern society. To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a â€Å"classic†, it was a bestseller, and it is required reading for many High School’s in the U.S. (Stabler). Even today in bookstores, like Barnes & Noble, it is easy to find a copy of the book on the shelves. It is even showcased on the bags of Barnes & Noble. It is felt that To Kill a Mockingbird gives â€Å"an accurate reflection† of life in the south during the 1930s (Stabler). There was much racism in the south during the 1930s. Edgar Shuster states, â€Å" In the course of their growing up, the children do a great deal of learning, but little of that learning takes place in school,† (Bernard). It goes to show, that not all life lessons can be learned in school. Shuster also states, â€Å"The achievement of Harper Lee is not that she has written another novel about race prejudice, but rather that she has placed race prejudice in a perspective which allows ups to see it as an aspect of a larger thing (Bernard). Like something that comes from fear and lack of knowledge. Keith Waterhouse believes that â€Å"Miss Lee does well what so many American writers do appallingly: she paints a true and lively picture of life in and an American small town, and she gives freshness to a stock solution† (Kinsman, 481).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Harrison Bergeon Vs. 1984 :: essays research papers

Harrison Bergeron vs. 1984   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harrison Bergeron and 1984 were both based on a similar concept. This concept is creating peace by limiting and controlling the population. In George Orwell’s “1984';, it was done through brainwashing and doublethink. In Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron';, it was done by limiting everyones abilities until everyone is equal in all ways. Each author used class systems, nature, and society to portray their negative utopia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Class systems played a more important role in 1984, than they did in Harrison Bergeron. In 1984, there were three classes. The highest class, the Inner Party, controlled everything. They controlled what the people saw, heard, and read, and even what they thought. The middle working class, or the “regular'; party, did all the work that the inner party wanted to be done, in order to keep the population, including themselves, in control of everyone. The third, and lowest, class is the proles. The party does not even watch or care about the proles, because they are not important, and have no power at all. Harrison Bergeron apparently had everyone equalized through handicapping all those with extraordinary abilities. The classes were the same as they are in modern America, only with handicaps.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Human Nature was repressed in both stories. It is human nature to express one’s talents in some way. In 1984, any kind of personal expression was thoughtcrime, and would cause the guilty individual to be taken to the ministry of love, and brainwashed. In Harrison Bergeron, every person was unable to display any kind of superiority over anyone else. The strong were weighted down, and the beautiful were forced to wear masks. No one was able to display any kind of talent even if they wanted to do so.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society had almost the same roles for men and women in both stories. In 1984, men and women were both treated the same, as mindless members of the party. They both had the same jobs and duties, and they both had the same rules. In Harrison Bergeron, men and women seemed to be treated the same as they are in modern society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The search for justice actually contributed to the creation of both societies. Both were created in the hopes of eliminating crime and injustices by controlling the population. In 1984, there was only one crime, and only one punishment. If you commited thoughtcrime, you would be taken to the ministry of love and brainwashed, until you were fit to be released back into society.

Monday, September 16, 2019

I believe in second chances Essay

Carl Band once said, â€Å"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.† Growing up, I’ve learned to believe in second chances. Throughout my lifetime, I have noticed that every person makes mistakes at various points in their lifetime. As humans, we tend to hold grudges, but what we really need to try is to forgive and forget. Giving people second chances is a great thing to do; but what you do with your second chance is your decision. People can use the second chance to their advantage or they can use it to harm the people they have once hurt. I too have made mistakes in my life, but the people I’ve hurt the most while making these mistakes have always been the ones to forgive me. Three summers ago, I met my current boyfriend and I took advantage of him being there for me; he had given me so much love but I took that all for granted. How we met was strange. One night, I was on a video call with my best friend and randomly a guy appeared on the call; that was the night I met my boyfriend. At the beginning, the conversation was so awkward because, all he was doing was talking to my best friend, and finally she introduced me to him. She had told me that they meet through mutual friends and became close. After we got confortable with each other, we talked for hours about the most random topics all night long; I had never felt like I had a connection with someone like I did with him. After that night, we were inseparable; we talked constantly to each other. Regardless of not having anything to talk about or have the most pointless conversation, we could stay on the phone for hours and it just felt right. As time went on, I thought I had feelings for him and we finally decided to be together. The first month was just what I had imagined, but as school started, we slowly drifted apart. Living in two different states was already hard enough for both of us to communicate so, I started talking to different people and I started falling for someone else. It came to the point that I thought it was best to end things with my current boyfriend. What I didn’t  realize at that moment was that leaving my boyfriend was one of the worse mistakes I could make. Even though I moved on and went to another relationship for a while, in the back of my mind, I was constantly wondering what would have happened if we had stayed together and if we had actually tried to save our relationship. I had not spoken a word to him since we broke up, but two years later, we met again. August 31, 2013, was a night to remember: I got to reconnect with the love of my life. We were both at a charity event for our mosque. I had heard from a friend that his parents decided to send him to military school in Atlanta but I never actually met up with him while he was there. At first all I got was dirty stares from him, but finally we sat down and had a real conversation. We forgave each other for all the wrong things we did to each other and we slowly started bonding again. I got a second chance with him and I made certain that this time I did it right. For the first month, we talked and got to know each other again. On September 25, 2013 we officially got back together. After that moment, I realized that he was the guy for me. He was always so supportive of me and always cared about me. No matter how much the distant was, he was always there for me. Sometimes he couldn’t physically be their for me but, I knew if I ever needed advice or if I just needed someone to vent too, he was a phone call away. I was blessed to find a boyfriend and best friend all in one. I had given up on our relationship the first time and this time around; I would make sure that didn’t happen again. Now a year has passed and we still are together and happier than ever. Everyone makes mistakes. We all wish we had a redo button that magically fixed every mistake we have made, but life isn’t always that easy. In this situation, I was lucky to be given a second chance to mend my relationship. Knowing that second chances aren’t handed out, my current boyfriend gave me one because he believed in me and knew that with that second chance I could prove that things would really turn around this time.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Polonius has sometimes been presented Essay

There has been much debate amongst critics and directors alike on the depth of Polonius’s character, and his purpose in the play. There are those, such as critic Myron Taylor, who view him as a more sinister persona, arguing ‘his ineffectuality does not excuse his moral deviousness. Appearance has become his reality’, thus implying he is used for menacing dramatic effect. However others take a more sympathetic view, for example Elkin Calhoun Wilson; ‘that dotage repeatedly amuses us in his fondness for lecturing and giving advice, however sound, to his meandering young;’, therefore interpreting him as a more bumbling and comical element to an otherwise serious play. Despite understanding both these views I still, like Hamlet, see Polonius as a ‘rash, intruding fool’ [Act. 3Scene. 4 line33]and believe anything done that may appear enigmatic or ominous can only have occurred unintentionally (in the script) or through exaggeration in directing. Similarly to Wilson, I can see how Polonius would add light-hearted, comic relief to the play, especially when paired with quick-witted Hamlet, highlighting the cracks in Polonius’s delusional ‘wise’ role he has adopted. Polonius has traditionally been played as a sinister character, with exaggerations on his spying and sneaking around castles, as is portrayed in Franco Zeffirelli’s version, though many productions in the 20th Century have instead portrayed him as older and more bumbling to bring a comic element to the play. There are two sides of Polonius shown in Act 1 Scene 3 and Act 2 Scene 1. These focus on his relationships with Ophelia and Laertes, and to me portray him as foolish again, though not unintelligent. He appears authoritative ‘Look to’t I charge you; come your ways’ [Scene3 line. 135 to Ophelia] and gives further instructions to Laertes ‘Aboard, aboard.. neither a borrower nor a lender be’ [lines55+75]. This particular line enforces the idea he is comical/foolish; advising Laertes to leave else he’ll miss his crossing, yet proceeding to bombard him with a lengthy advisory speech that states what is obvious. It does seem that he is rambling here as well, as of course Laertes is returning to university, not just starting, making the well-meant advice effectively knowledge that Laertes already has. Both his offspring create an impression of having to be patient with him, replying in just short sentences as if to make up for time lost ‘Most humbly do I take leave my lord’ [Laertes line 81]. The audience’s knowledge that he isn’t as respected as he thinks himself to be can be humorous, developing an almost ‘bumbling’ man who is held in higher esteem by himself than even his long-suffering, and in the case of Ophelia, oppressed, children. With Ophelia, there is a significant difference their relationship than that with Laertes; Polonius seems highly insensitive to her feelings, and Ophelia’s replies become more restrained and subservient. When speaking to Ophelia, for example, Polonius advises her on her relationship with Hamlet ‘Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers’ [Act 1 sc. 3 line 127]; in Kenneth Branagh’s production of the play, Ophelia has already slept with Hamlet, and Branagh makes use of flashbacks in Ophelia’s mind of their sexual relations as she listens absent-mindedly to her father. This helps back up an image of Polonius as rather ignorant, especially as Ophelia’s reply is so submissive, building an impression of an advisor of little use to anybody, which in turn strengthens his role as a comic. However, this display of likeability could be argued to be compromised in Act 2 Scene 1 as Polonius plots to send spies after Laertes ‘put on him What forgeries you please,’ [Act 2 sc. 1 lines19+20], potentially revealing a darker side to him, yet for me this is ruined later on in dialogue ‘And then, sir, does’a this-he does-what was I about to say? ‘ suggesting he puts on an act whilst playing up his deviousness, as the inconsistency in language, dashes and faltering punctuation portray an inconsistent mind that runs away too easily and is not to be taken seriously; quite like the character itself: not intended to be a serious one. With relevance to Claudius, when both in a scene, Polonius can either be argued to be more devious or even more of a fool. The former view could have been picked up on because of the spying and meddling that occurs between the two of them, such as in Act 3 Sc. 1 ‘Her father and myself, lawful espials, Will so bestow ourselves†¦ ‘ [ lines 32+33] and to some may show a more sinister shade to his persona. In Branagh’s full-length version, Polonius is shown to be slyer, with the including of his (spying) scene with Reynaldo; a scene some directors cut out to enhance their own, more positive view of the character, due to his scheming. Polonius is in a superior position in the court, which has been argued to be deliberate to use his status power to a menacingly-inclined advantage, but is this because of his wisdom (as critic Harry Levin believes â€Å"[Polonius is] quotable because of the wisdom of his comments†), or because Claudius just needs a friend? There is a theory which might explain his position, interpreting him as someone who once had a great mind, but is now losing control of it. This is Polonius in a more tragic light, though Claudius evidently still relies on him and trusts him, as he follows Polonius’s advice regarding spying, but also agreeing to a meeting between Hamlet and the Queen before Hamlet is sent to England. The latter theory is the viewpoint that perhaps Claudius and Gertrude see him as a fool. When Polonius in Act 2 Sc. 2 gets carried away in his own wordiness â€Å"Why day is day, night night†¦ † [line 88] unintentionally, he is opposing himself to the idea of his speech â€Å"brevity is the soul of wit† [line 90], and Gertrude even remarks â€Å"More matter with less art. † [line 95], in other words, bluntly pointing out that Polonius’s act as a wise advisor is conjured by himself; that he is not the mind he thinks himself to be. Act 3 Scene 1 reconfirms my original theory, as Polonius guesses-incorrectly and slightly hypocritically-that the cause of Hamlet’s madness is down to Ophelia’s rejection, again giving Hamlet, and the audience, the upper hand ‘yet do I believe The origin and commencement of his grief/ Sprung from neglected love’. Even when it is confirmed that hamlet’s madness has nothing to do with Ophelia, Polonius sticks to his theory despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. Far from appearing sinister then, the two (Claudius and Polonius) together appear foolish, like puppets with Hamlet as their master, manipulating and playing their minds. This is demonstrated earlier in the play, as Polonius tells Ophelia not to believe his vows â€Å"for they are brokers† [Act 1 sc. 3 line 127], yet here, he himself is taken in by Hamlet’s performance. It is also worth noting that Polonius had previously told Ophelia ‘Affection? Pooh, you speak like a green girl’ [Act 1 Sc. 3, lines 127, + 101], showing he is proving to be stubborn on a matter he previously disagreed with-and seemed so ready to persuade Ophelia likewise of- himself. Polonius is often contrasted with Hamlet. It could be argued his place in the play is to emphasise Hamlet’s quick-wittedness and intelligent nature. He seems not to understand the Prince is teasing him conversationally; ‘I did enact Julius Caesar, I was killed I’ th’ Capitol; Brutus killed me’ [Polonius Act 3 Sc. 2lines 105+106] ‘It was a brute part of him to kill so capitol a calf there’ [Hamlet lines 107+8]. Scenes like this also help to contrast Hamlet’s sharp dialogue with Polonius’s slow, lengthy style of speech, particularly when he is with the King or Queen and uses it to impress: as Elkin Calhoun Wilson has noticed ‘†¦ and over-elaborating it [his ‘wisdom’] in speech with the King and Queen’. Hamlet further makes Polonius the butt of his jokes in Act 3 Scene 2 ‘By th’ mass and ’tis, like a camel indeed’ [Polonius line 375] ‘Methinks it is like a weasel’ [Hamlet line 376] and has more fun at the old diplomat’s expense. It also quite blatantly makes a joke out of Polonius, the laughs in the audience this time actually being against him, as he remains too involved in the sound of his own voice to properly register what Hamlet is saying, establishing him unarguably as a comic character. Hamlet is a character with an excellent command over language in the play though, and is naturally clever without striving to be, whereas Polonius speaks in dragging, slow bouts and wants to be considered wise. There is clearly little respect towards Polonius from Hamlet (â€Å"you are a fishmonger† [Act.2 Sc. 2 line 174], and, as he is the protagonist of the play, this sways the audience’s opinion towards him. He is almost too cruel towards him at some points though, e. g. â€Å"old men have grey beards†¦ they have a plentiful lack of wit† [Act. 2 Sc. 2 lines 197-201], clearly describing Polonius, and so perhaps enforcing the idea of him as a tragic character. Right until the end, Hamlet still treats Polonius as a second-class person; showing no remorse at his death and branding him a ‘rash, intruding fool’ [Act 3 Scene 4 line 33] which of course he was. The words ‘intruding’ convey a completely different meaning to ‘cleverly inquisitive’ and ‘rash’ doesn’t invite the praise ‘spontaneous’ would. He was then labelled a fool during his time in the play, and labelled a fool again upon his exit. It is ironic Polonius’s death should be so unceremonious [Act 3 Scene 4, stage directions ‘Exit Hamlet dragging in Polonius’ line 219] given that his persona in the play was one of elaboration and false grandeur. This is almost like a last, bittersweet laugh against him, exactly the opposite of how he would have liked to have exited, the word ‘dragged’ being of particular importance, as when performed on stage this would have been so undignified as to have crossed slightly into black humour territory, depending on the director (â€Å"I’ll lug the guts into the neighbour room†, Hamlet, Act. 3 Scene. 4, line 213)It is also exposing that Polonius should have been killed from behind the arras, and in a foolish way too. It would have been wiser to remain hidden, and so by shouting, symbolically, perhaps Polonius was revealing the shallowness there was to his ‘sinister’ persona. Hamlet’s reaction is one of brevity and disrespect ‘I took thee for thy better’ [line 134]. However, his death does act as a catalyst for the race towards the ending of the play; Hamlet is sent to England to meet his death, though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are killed instead. This proceeds to him finally taking revenge on Claudius, and results in the murders of Gertrude, Hamlet, Laertes and Claudius. Whether this increases his worth or not in the play is open to interpretation. Elkin Calhoun Wilson decides ‘Polonius has a minor tragic dimension as well as a major comic’ boasting ‘[my] eyes catch a more embracive view of him than Hamlet’s possibly can’ and with this I can, to an extent, agree. It is tragic he should be cast off in such a way, and in him there was not just the ‘doddering old fool’, but also, as Elkin writes, a ‘comic appendage’. Overall then, looking at various views and studying the text thoroughly, I can stick by my judgement of Polonius as a foolish, though comic, character. Although considered unimportant by those in the play, I believe him to bring a welcome relief from the drama and tragedy entangled in the plot which would otherwise make for a very depressing production. Of course, it is down to personal interpretation how a director would present the character, but to me the lengthy and self-important dialogue is unavoidable, and the undignified death inevitable, making Polonius -arguably- doomed to lack credible menace void of irony and humour, and therefore set firmly as a foolish ‘prating’ character. 1999 words Sophie Mayall. Bibliography: Websites used:http://www. metroactive. com/papers/metro/02. 20. 97/branagh-9708. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Polonius www. jstor. org- Studies in English Literature 1500-1900: Vol. 8, No. 2, Elizabethan and Jacobean England www. jstor. org- Shakespeare Quarterly: Vol. 9, No. 1 (Winter 1958), pp. 83-85 Films: Kenneth Branagh’s film version Hamlet: 1996 Franco Zeffirelli’s film version Hamlet: 1990 Copies of the text: Cambridge School Shakespeare First Edition, published 1994 Heinemann Advanced Shakespeare, published 2000 Journals: Shakespeare Quarterly: Vol. 9 (winter 2005), Vol. 8 No. 2 (spring 1968).

Analysis of Chocolat

Analysis of Chocolat In this extract from Chocolat by Joanne Harris, a mother and her young daughter, Anouk, have just arrived at Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, a small village in France. The story is told from the mother’s point of view in the first person. Only at the end of the scene – when a man asks â€Å"On holiday, Madame? † – we discover that the narrator is a woman. It is carnival time. The narrator describes the excitement of the participants using the senses. For example, the atmosphere is full of smells of foods which sound really good; â€Å"pancakes and sausages and powdery-sweet waffles† contrast with the cold of the winter.In the same way, the woman appeals to the sense of sight to describe the decorated carts which remind to some fairy tales; for instance, â€Å"a gingerbread house all icing and gilded cardboard† calls to mind Hansel and Gretel. Then, she compares the carnival with others that both she and her daughter have seen. â €Å"A procession of two hundred and fifty of the decorated chars in Paris last Mardi Gras, a hundred and eighty in New York, [†¦] drum majorettes with batons spinning and sparkling† tells us that the carnival itself is something typical of their lives.In this case, it can represent the new beginning in the new town. It also means that they have travelled a lot. Moreover, when Anouk asks her mother â€Å"Are we staying? † we understand that the child likes so much the new village that she wants to stay there. In contrast with the carts of the carnival, which are colourful and expressive, the houses of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes â€Å"leaning secretively together†. Only people have secrets, not the houses, so the author uses a metaphor to suggest something sinister about the place and probably to stimulate the interest of the readers.The small village looks apparently perfect. â€Å"There is no police station at Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, therefore no crime† means that people think that there are no crimes, but this does not convince the woman. â€Å"But for now everything is blurred†. There is also a strong presence of the church and of the religion in general. For example, the church is described as â€Å"aggressively whitewashed†; similarly, the priest is seen as â€Å"a black figure† who is compared to the Plague Doctor.The priest is also described with a â€Å"rigid stance† and â€Å"pale eyes† which confirms the idea of an unfriendly person. All the other residents are characterized in two different ways. On the one hand, there are the adults, who look suspiciously and with curiosity to the two protagonists. As the text says, â€Å"tourists are a rarity†. The sentence â€Å"I feel their eyes upon us† emphasizes the fact that the woman and her daughter are observed. On the other hand, the children transmit colour and vitality.For instance, the clothing of the adults are â€Å"brown, black or grey†; the children, instead, â€Å"flying colours of red and lime-green and yellow, seem like a different race†. The author uses a lot of adjectives, which add many details to the descriptions. For example, when the woman talks about her daughter, she says â€Å"her eyes, which are the blue-green of the Earth seen from a great height, shining†. This also helps us to understand the close relationship between the two characters.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Intro to Business Essay

FRANCHISE Case Study Questions: 1) Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of opening a franchise. (6 marks) The benefits of opening a franchise is that the franchisor would provide support, assistance and training; they would have a recognized name and products and; opening the franchise would be a reduced risk to the franchisee. The drawbacks of opening a franchise is that there would be restrictions on operations as the franchisee would have to follow the franchisor’s rules and regulations; must pay franchise fees and the percentage of sales to the franchisor and; there would be a loss of management control, prices, wages or even innovation. 2) Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of running this franchise with a partner rather than doing it on your own. The benefits/advantages of running this franchise with a partner would be; It would be fairly easy to start the partnership with an agreement between two people; It would be easier to raise more capital than a sole proprietorship; We would have greater skills and expertise with two of us as partners and; flexibility to support and help each other. The drawbacks/disadvantages of running this franchise with a partner would be; there could be conflicts or disagreements with a partner; we would be sharing the profits and; there could be difficulty in leaving or ending the partnership. 3) List 6 key characteristics that you and your partner will have to display in order to be successful in this entrepreneur endeavor. The key characteristics that my partner and I would have to display to be successful in our entrepreneur endeavor would be, to be: Ambitious, committed, self-confident, energetic, passionate, creative, passionate, determined and risk takers. 4) List 6 stakeholders and discuss how they are impacted by your business. 1.Employees – my business would create jobs Customers – my business would be a convenience of another franchise available Suppliers – my business would give suppliers more business Government – my business would pay taxes (business and employee, etc) to help the economy Local Community – to create a better local economy of having a business Environment – to be environmentally responsible by using reduce, reuse and recycle FRANCHISE Case Study 1: Intro to Business 5) Using your knowledge of demand and supply theory. Draw a market for Dominos Pizza with demand (BLUE Line) and supply (RED Line) equilibrium assuming the average price customer pays for a Domino’s pizza is $9 and sells an average 500 units a week. (2 marks) Dominos Pizza – Supply and Demand in One (1) Week UNITS The pizza market is highly competitive and competitors prices impact and demand. On your diagram, draw the shift in demand that will result from new low price $5 hot and ready pizza offer by its competitor Little Caesar’s. Discuss the impact on Domino’s (in terms of its price and profits) . (2 marks) Due to the low price of the competition (Little Caesars) means Dominos pizza’s Demand Curve will DECREASE (GREEN Line) which means the profits will decrease along with the demand for Domino’s higher priced pizza. 6) As a local franchise, using your knowledge of the promotional mix, describe 4 tactics/strategies from the promotional mix that you could use to promote your local store. Be sure to explain how it will increase sales. (4 marks) 1. Personal Selling – to use a sales person to assist customers in making a purchase 2. Advertising – using different media channels to build awareness of the product 3. Public Relations – to create a good image of the company & product through publicity and sponsorship 4. Sales Promotion – to stimulate sales through coupons, discounts, contests & special offers 7) Make 2 recommendations to Domino’s Pizza Corporate on how the marketing mix could be changed in order to meet customer needs and continue to grow the company. (4 marks) The Marketing Mix is a blend of product offering, pricing, promotional methods and distribution system that brings a specific group of consumers superior value. My two recommendations to Dominos Pizza Corporate would be concerning the ‘Product’ to make smaller personal sized pizzas and my second recommendation would concern ‘Pricing’ to have a special introductory low price to attract customers, to the new personal sized pizza. My recommendations would meet the more ‘healthy = smaller sized portions’ of food to the healthy minded customer – and this would help with the growth of the company.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Law of Business Transactions assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Business Transactions assignment - Essay Example nited Floors Ltd had included an exclusion clause in its contract, which required intimation of any alleged defects within three weeks of fitting the carpets. As such, it had included a clause, whereby its liability per contract was to be restricted to five hundred pounds. Peter is seeking refund of the two, thousand, three hundred pounds paid by him and compensation for the business lost, during the time the carpet was being replaced. United Floors Ltd refuses to accept and relies on its exclusion clause. An exclusion clause can be enforced by resorting to adhesion contracts or standard form contracts. The party which draws up such contracts offers negligible choice to the other party to the contract. In the words of Downes, an authority on contract law, wherever, there is great disparity in the bargaining power of the parties to the contract, exclusion clauses can prove to be extremely prejudicial.1 Legislation like the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 or UCTA and the Unfair Terms of the Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 or UTCCR have been enacted, in order to exercise stringent control on the use of exclusion clauses. The UCTA makes a business liable for not fulfilling obligations or duties that are consequent to what has been done or is to be done in the normal course of business2. Peter’s contract with the United Floors Ltd is subject to the UCTA, because consumer contracts fall under its purview3. In contractual terms reasonableness is of paramount importance and the UCTA verifies as to whether an exclusion clause, after taking into consideration the circumstances that should have normally been known to the contracting parties, is rational4. In this manner the UCTA grants wide discretion to the courts, in determining whether an exclusion clause is reasonable or not. If a contracting party wishes to take recourse to an exclusion clause in the contract, then the onus of establishing its reasonableness rests on it5. The UTCCR deals with all the contractual

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Comparison of Linear and Daily Undulating Periodized Programs with Research Paper

A Comparison of Linear and Daily Undulating Periodized Programs with Equated Volume and Intensity for Strength - Research Paper Example The plants were selected based on traditional medicinal usage and application in alternative medicine. They are Artemisia absinthium, Psidium guajava, Melissa officinalis, and Costus speciosus. As part of the study, methanol bark and leaf extracts were obtained from the plants in different concentrations and exposed to various cancer cell lines for 24 hours. The growth of the cancer cell lines was measured against increasing varying concentrations of the plant extracts to determine the effect of extracts on the growth of the human cancer cells. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. This year, the number of new infections is expected to increase despite intensified efforts to prevent and manage the disease. One of the new approaches adopted in cancer prevention and management is the use of natural products. Natural products have been used for centuries to treat various illnesses, and they efficacy has been proven in studies examining the lifestyles of native tribes in the United States, Africa, and Latin America. Currently, natural medicines are used in treating around 87 percent of all known human diseases; these include cancer, bacterial and fungal infections, and immunological defects. It is also estimated that roughly a quarter of all prescription medicines in the world are sourced from plants and over three thousand plant species have anti-carcinogenic properties. This paper, therefore, contributes to the development of this research area by examining the cytotoxic impacts of the aforementi oned plants on the growth of human cancer cells. Artemisia absinthium, Psidium guajava, Melissa officinalis, and Costus speciosus have all been analyzed and used for traditional and contemporary medicinal purposes. They have proven their admirable antiparasitic, anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial qualities, hence justifying the need for more research on their antitumor attributes. Studies have shown

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Philosophy - Essay Example Considering my position, I may consider soul to be the ultimate manner of allowing a person to be somewhat same throughout life. The first explanation is somewhat the most common where a person is shown to have a childhood. But it should be noted that this respective person has grown up over the years. This means that the person is not the same anymore. Thus, this clarifies that one cannot be same over the years if experience of living is the manner to claim difference of personality and identity. Secondly, the physical features are also marked to define a person’s identity throughout life but as a matter of fact, even the physical features would change with the passing of years. Thus, even this explanation regarding self proves to e unacceptable. Furthermore, it is the DNA which provides further definition to the concept of being you and sameness of you throughout life. In conjunction to this, it is evident that twins may have same DNA. It is due to this reason that DNA is an other unacceptable definition to this question. As noted by the author, â€Å"The mystery of personal identity is figuring out how we can solve both the problem of difference and the problem of sameness† (Hales 151). ... This clearly means that a person who is unconscious is a person without soul. The critique to my position as per the author is that one cannot simply rely on psychological state of a person, as mind-body relationship reacts to it, can be a way to explain the identity of a person because it may change over the time. As noted in the book, â€Å"Nowadays people sometimes equate their soul with their personality, or use soul to refer to the ethical faculty of the mind. Thus a conscious-less psychopath might be called soulless† (Hales 157). Thus, it is extremely important to provide such a statement by undergoing psychological criterion making soul=mind to be ineligible. II. Likewise Hales, I would like to comment for this question. The aspect of knowledge is somewhat blurred in the minds of people. There is a way to spread knowledge which is impartation done by the educational institutions. The criterion of knowledge which is basically being provided in such a manner is mere repea tedly ratified facts and figures which have been gained by experiences and Methodism (Turnbull, Trnbull and Shogren). However, the fact remains that this knowledge which was gained later on, was once used to be incorrect. The measure and acceptance of any fact which is regarded as knowledge, is done in the manner of claimed including true or false. This means that previously it was the fact which was considered to be superficial. I would like to connect this idea with the dialogue from the movie Men in Black which has also been used in the textbook considered for this assignment. It is as follows, â€Å"1500 years ago everybody ‘knew’ the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago everybody ‘knew’ the Earth was at. And 15 minutes ago